Does respecting the opinions of others include despising others, of implying that others will be at fault if the awful Rethugs, whom Obama has been, you will recall, courting with “bipartisanship”?
Does respect entail telling us that what we saw, in print, of Obama’s clear promises, what we heard with our own ears, of Obama’s promises, an Obama many worked for thinking that, as a black man, Obama would be good for the country, and the vote alone, by itself, Was and IS a sign of the good of the country … does respect mean telling us we never saw or heard such things … that we are lying and making things up?
Does respect mean telling people who have watched, closely, the political scene for longer than Obama has been alive, people who were willing and happy to donate time and effort and ideas, people who had and have good, indeed wonderful, ideas, ideas that still must be implemented to avert serious economic and social disaster, that they are “effing r*****s”, in need of a drug test, and of “getting” a “real” life?
Does respect mean peddling fear?
Or does “respect” mean something else perhaps, like appreciation, or at least, tolerance AND the understanding that people who do not agree with you are, possibly, neither stupid nor uninformed?
Apparently, what phred suggested, regarding a party having actual accomplishments and a moral compass is less important than “winning”, when such “winning” simply means more of the same.
Frankly, AC2, it matters little who is in power because the “system” is so corrupt, economically and legally, specifically as regards the rule of law, as Obama has continued and extended the worst of the Bush-Cheney Executive power grab, and the military has far to much power, politically and, in terms of the amount of the nation’s “wealth and treasure”, a stranglehold on the nation’s “looking forward” future, that regardless of who is in “power”, as they are both essentially the same, in spite of YOUR assertions that, somehow, they are not … our society faces very hard times … and to be brutally honest … the pain ought to be shared equally, and the blame, let’s not put it on “progressives”, or even the T-baggers, but on those who have had and do have power, especially Obama who had, despite those who dispute it, a genuine and heartfelt mandate to actually make some changes, which as President, with majorities in both the House and Senate, as well as each and every one of those “Democratic” Senators and Representatives, he and the Democrats COULD have done?
At the very least, respect means not calling others stupid or blaming them for the failures of others.
When the spill in the Gulf occurred, certain pundits intoned, “We are all responsible for this catastrophe.”
But look who is still in business, the largest supplier to the US military, aka Bee Pee.
When the economic meltdown occurred, certain pundits intoned, “It was those who could not afford these homes, but really we are all to blame.”
But look who is getting huge, actually obscene, “bonuses”?
Now you can say, “It’s systemic, and the D’s can’t fix it over-night”
Righto, AC2, righto.
Wonder when they plan to start?
Righto, right after they defeat the awful, evil R’s … well soon thereafter, anyhow.
But it’s hard, doncha know?
Now, you will note, AC2, that at no point did I take you, personally, to task or suggest that it will be your fault if disaster befalls us? Nor did phred, for that matter.
Those who differ from you have never said you are to blame, yet you, and other partisans who agree with your viewpoint, charge us with such “responsibility” constantly and consistently,
Nobody “lost” 2000, but the Dems, Gore and Lieberman.
Frankly, AC2, I voted AGAINST Lieberman AND Gore’s apparently happy choice of Lieberman as his running-mate.
And, you know, just between us, AC2, Gore’s behavior, during Bush v. Gore, was not inspiring, to say the least.
Kind of cowardly, like the D’s in general, and certain ones, in particular.
These times, clearly, call for courage and bold innovation, not capitulation to selfish greed, mindless fear, and state secrecy, “secret” law and killing at a distance on the whims of one man or woman. Democrat or Republican. The President of the United States of America.
In my opinion.
Diddums. Casey Affleck admits that he ‘went broke’ filming his fail movie with Joaquin Phoenix. The movie, I’m Still Here, was filmed over two years and was revealed to be a fake documentary-style movie that Affleck thought anyone with two working eyes and ears would be fooled by. The film showed Phoenix, who would have made interesting material without the pretentious/ staged nature of the movie, doing coke/ hookers and getting pooped on. Or, as I like to call it ‘Wednesday’. That’s some mid-week pAArtying and moviegoers agreed. Affleck’s movie went up against his big brother’s movie, The Town (which topped the US box office and opened on Rotten Tomatoes to a 93% fresh rating), and only took $96,658 in its opening weekend. Sucks to be the less talented brother, and there’s something I never thought I’d say of these two. Speaking to The Telegraph in the UK, Affleck says he came clean about the hoax everyone knew about so as not to permanently damage Phoenix’s reputation. The movie was supposed to be a cynical look at Hollywood and its trappings. Not poop.
Casey Affleck has admitted that I’m Still Here, his hoax documentary about Joaquin Phoenix, was a “planned, staged and scripted work of fiction” that nearly bankrupted him. Affleck said the project was an essay on celebrity culture. “It was pretty much all within the realm of possibility: people use prostitutes, people use drugs, especially in Hollywood. We didn’t take it so far that it wasn’t believable,” he told The Daily Telegraph. “Having something at stake is a great motivator and once this thing became public for me that was very helpful because there was no question: I had to see it through, no matter how long it took. I went broke. I hadn’t worked for more than a year, and I was pouring money into the movie. I had to stop for a month to do The Killer Inside Me. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to finish the film – I was out of money. There was a lot at stake financially and, if we had left [the hoax] there, it would have been very damaging to Joaquin’s career.”
Casey Affleck, Joaquin Phoenix: I’m Still Here mockumentary movie trailer.
Google New: It's Google <b>News</b> About New Google Stuff In One Place
In terms of blog networks, no one ever seems to talk about Google, but they actually have one of the biggest. The search giant has well over 100 blogs devoted to everything from general company news to niche things that only webmasters ...
Small Business <b>News</b>: The Times They Are A Changing
In the 60's it was a song of revolution when change was just not as common. Today, it reflects a fact of life, at least for small business owners and.
Rumour: Project Milo cancelled Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 |
Read our Xbox 360 news of Rumour: Project Milo cancelled.
robert shumake
Google New: It's Google <b>News</b> About New Google Stuff In One Place
In terms of blog networks, no one ever seems to talk about Google, but they actually have one of the biggest. The search giant has well over 100 blogs devoted to everything from general company news to niche things that only webmasters ...
Small Business <b>News</b>: The Times They Are A Changing
In the 60's it was a song of revolution when change was just not as common. Today, it reflects a fact of life, at least for small business owners and.
Rumour: Project Milo cancelled Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 |
Read our Xbox 360 news of Rumour: Project Milo cancelled.
Does respecting the opinions of others include despising others, of implying that others will be at fault if the awful Rethugs, whom Obama has been, you will recall, courting with “bipartisanship”?
Does respect entail telling us that what we saw, in print, of Obama’s clear promises, what we heard with our own ears, of Obama’s promises, an Obama many worked for thinking that, as a black man, Obama would be good for the country, and the vote alone, by itself, Was and IS a sign of the good of the country … does respect mean telling us we never saw or heard such things … that we are lying and making things up?
Does respect mean telling people who have watched, closely, the political scene for longer than Obama has been alive, people who were willing and happy to donate time and effort and ideas, people who had and have good, indeed wonderful, ideas, ideas that still must be implemented to avert serious economic and social disaster, that they are “effing r*****s”, in need of a drug test, and of “getting” a “real” life?
Does respect mean peddling fear?
Or does “respect” mean something else perhaps, like appreciation, or at least, tolerance AND the understanding that people who do not agree with you are, possibly, neither stupid nor uninformed?
Apparently, what phred suggested, regarding a party having actual accomplishments and a moral compass is less important than “winning”, when such “winning” simply means more of the same.
Frankly, AC2, it matters little who is in power because the “system” is so corrupt, economically and legally, specifically as regards the rule of law, as Obama has continued and extended the worst of the Bush-Cheney Executive power grab, and the military has far to much power, politically and, in terms of the amount of the nation’s “wealth and treasure”, a stranglehold on the nation’s “looking forward” future, that regardless of who is in “power”, as they are both essentially the same, in spite of YOUR assertions that, somehow, they are not … our society faces very hard times … and to be brutally honest … the pain ought to be shared equally, and the blame, let’s not put it on “progressives”, or even the T-baggers, but on those who have had and do have power, especially Obama who had, despite those who dispute it, a genuine and heartfelt mandate to actually make some changes, which as President, with majorities in both the House and Senate, as well as each and every one of those “Democratic” Senators and Representatives, he and the Democrats COULD have done?
At the very least, respect means not calling others stupid or blaming them for the failures of others.
When the spill in the Gulf occurred, certain pundits intoned, “We are all responsible for this catastrophe.”
But look who is still in business, the largest supplier to the US military, aka Bee Pee.
When the economic meltdown occurred, certain pundits intoned, “It was those who could not afford these homes, but really we are all to blame.”
But look who is getting huge, actually obscene, “bonuses”?
Now you can say, “It’s systemic, and the D’s can’t fix it over-night”
Righto, AC2, righto.
Wonder when they plan to start?
Righto, right after they defeat the awful, evil R’s … well soon thereafter, anyhow.
But it’s hard, doncha know?
Now, you will note, AC2, that at no point did I take you, personally, to task or suggest that it will be your fault if disaster befalls us? Nor did phred, for that matter.
Those who differ from you have never said you are to blame, yet you, and other partisans who agree with your viewpoint, charge us with such “responsibility” constantly and consistently,
Nobody “lost” 2000, but the Dems, Gore and Lieberman.
Frankly, AC2, I voted AGAINST Lieberman AND Gore’s apparently happy choice of Lieberman as his running-mate.
And, you know, just between us, AC2, Gore’s behavior, during Bush v. Gore, was not inspiring, to say the least.
Kind of cowardly, like the D’s in general, and certain ones, in particular.
These times, clearly, call for courage and bold innovation, not capitulation to selfish greed, mindless fear, and state secrecy, “secret” law and killing at a distance on the whims of one man or woman. Democrat or Republican. The President of the United States of America.
In my opinion.
Diddums. Casey Affleck admits that he ‘went broke’ filming his fail movie with Joaquin Phoenix. The movie, I’m Still Here, was filmed over two years and was revealed to be a fake documentary-style movie that Affleck thought anyone with two working eyes and ears would be fooled by. The film showed Phoenix, who would have made interesting material without the pretentious/ staged nature of the movie, doing coke/ hookers and getting pooped on. Or, as I like to call it ‘Wednesday’. That’s some mid-week pAArtying and moviegoers agreed. Affleck’s movie went up against his big brother’s movie, The Town (which topped the US box office and opened on Rotten Tomatoes to a 93% fresh rating), and only took $96,658 in its opening weekend. Sucks to be the less talented brother, and there’s something I never thought I’d say of these two. Speaking to The Telegraph in the UK, Affleck says he came clean about the hoax everyone knew about so as not to permanently damage Phoenix’s reputation. The movie was supposed to be a cynical look at Hollywood and its trappings. Not poop.
Casey Affleck has admitted that I’m Still Here, his hoax documentary about Joaquin Phoenix, was a “planned, staged and scripted work of fiction” that nearly bankrupted him. Affleck said the project was an essay on celebrity culture. “It was pretty much all within the realm of possibility: people use prostitutes, people use drugs, especially in Hollywood. We didn’t take it so far that it wasn’t believable,” he told The Daily Telegraph. “Having something at stake is a great motivator and once this thing became public for me that was very helpful because there was no question: I had to see it through, no matter how long it took. I went broke. I hadn’t worked for more than a year, and I was pouring money into the movie. I had to stop for a month to do The Killer Inside Me. If I hadn’t, I wouldn’t have been able to finish the film – I was out of money. There was a lot at stake financially and, if we had left [the hoax] there, it would have been very damaging to Joaquin’s career.”
Casey Affleck, Joaquin Phoenix: I’m Still Here mockumentary movie trailer.
robert shumake
Google New: It's Google <b>News</b> About New Google Stuff In One Place
In terms of blog networks, no one ever seems to talk about Google, but they actually have one of the biggest. The search giant has well over 100 blogs devoted to everything from general company news to niche things that only webmasters ...
Small Business <b>News</b>: The Times They Are A Changing
In the 60's it was a song of revolution when change was just not as common. Today, it reflects a fact of life, at least for small business owners and.
Rumour: Project Milo cancelled Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 |
Read our Xbox 360 news of Rumour: Project Milo cancelled.
robert shumake
Google New: It's Google <b>News</b> About New Google Stuff In One Place
In terms of blog networks, no one ever seems to talk about Google, but they actually have one of the biggest. The search giant has well over 100 blogs devoted to everything from general company news to niche things that only webmasters ...
Small Business <b>News</b>: The Times They Are A Changing
In the 60's it was a song of revolution when change was just not as common. Today, it reflects a fact of life, at least for small business owners and.
Rumour: Project Milo cancelled Xbox 360 <b>News</b> - Page 1 |
Read our Xbox 360 news of Rumour: Project Milo cancelled.
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