Friday, October 15, 2010

Making Money Software

Everyone makes mistakes, but missteps in the selling process can have especially serious consequences. Not only do they deprive your business of revenue, but they can erode confidence in your company among members of your staff as well as potential customers. The following mistakes are particularly common among start-ups, but even the most seasoned entrepreneurs can fall victim to them. Here's how to identify them—and avoid them.

Neglecting to collect customer data. Every time you make a sale, it's an opportunity to make another sale down the road. Remember that your existing customers are your best source of revenue. But you can only tap them if you have a method for keeping track of them. Sonny Ahuja, the CEO of, learned that the hard way. "Five years ago I had seven stores selling designer perfumes and colognes in all major malls of Wisconsin," he says. When he began losing customers to Amazon and eBay, Ahuja decided to close his stores and move his business online. But when he launched, he had no money for online marketing.  "That's when I realized that if only all my sales people had collected all the names and addresses of customers that came to my stores for the past eight years — imagine the power of that database! I could have been back in business in no time." Now, he's diligent about collecting and segmenting customer data on

Dig Deeper: 10 Ways to Get More Sales From Existing Customers

Relying too heavily on the Internet. So you've been exceptionally clever with your web strategy and your organic vegan dog food is at the tippity-top of the relevant search engine rankings. The stuff is practically selling itself. Good for you! Until, that is, Google gives you a nasty smack down. That's what happened to Christian Arno, founder Lingo24, an international translation company with offices in London; Aberdeen, Scotland; and New York City. "In 2006, our high Google rankings for key search terms suffered, probably because of Google changing its search algorithm," says Arno. "We suddenly dropped on Google search results for terms we'd always ranked highly for such as translation services and translation agencies. We didn't have any proactive sales strategy in place, so our revenue suffered." Since then, he's hired several outbound sales people who proactively identify potential clients. "And our Google rankings are back up too now, so we have two strong avenues for sales," says Arno.

Dig Deeper: How Google Cost Me $4 Million

Failing to qualify leads. "When I first started in sales, I was an eager beaver," recalls Jon Biedermann,
vice president of
 DonorPerfect, a CRM fundraising software company in Horsham, Pennsylvania. "No lead went untouched or uncalled — I treated every opportunity as the sure fire next sale." Big mistake. Early in his career, Biedermann got a lead from a large university. He called to assess their needs, customized the software for them, and worked on personalizing the demonstration for days. "The day of the demo came, and I presented our software in front of 10 people from the university. We had everything they needed — it was perfect," he says. But when he asked about the decision-making timeframe, he was crushed.  "Oh, we aren't going to switch software," they told him. "We were thinking about using this for our smaller satellite campus and we were hoping you would donate it to us."
Biedermann realized his error instantly. "In my zeal to get the sale, I completely forgot to ask the one crucial question: Do you have the authority and money to make this decision?"  

Dig Deeper: How to Qualify Sales Leads

Delaying sales until your product or service is ready for primetime. There's a lot to be said for doing market research for a new product or service by trying to sell it while it's still in development. That way, you'll find out exactly what customers want before you spend time perfecting your offering in a vacuum. "Entrepreneurs should hit the streets, and talk to 'friendlies' to sell your product or service even when its still just an idea, and ask people what they are willing to pay for it," says Kyle Hawke, co-founder of Whinot, a Charlottesville, Virginia-based virtual firm of independent consultants who work on small business marketing projects. Hawke learned that lesson after spending $5,000 on web features that he says "no one cared about." He now knows that he should have tested Whinot out on low-risk clients who were willing to sign on for a discounted price – or a free trial – while he and his partners worked out the kinks. "The best way to figure out how much something is worth is to get someone to pay for it," he says.

Dig Deeper: How to Build a Bootstrapping Culture

Accepting every sale. "No" is not a popular word among entrepreneurs, especially during the start-up phase, and most especially as it pertains to sales. But maybe it should be uttered more often, because the wrong kind of sale is ultimately worse than no sale at all. "It's a big challenge as a small company to say 'No, thanks, this isn't a good fit for us, please give your money to someone else,'" says Michael Buckingham, founder of Holy Cow Creative, a Midland, Michigan, design and marketing company that works with churches and ministries. "In the beginning I said yes to everyone; financially, it felt like I had to," he says. "Next thing I knew I was involved in a project that was not good for me or the client. We pushed through it, we met our objectives but our work is about more than projects and invoices. I learned that relationships are key to sales. It's why I now turn down nearly every RFP; it's void of relationship."

Dig Deeper: Getting to No

Offloading the sales function. When Tom Greenshaw first started Cashier Live in Chicago, he wanted to focus mainly on product development and support for the web-based point of sales software that he sells to independent retailers. So he built a sales channel with affiliates and partners, hoping to offload as much of the direct sales function as possible. "This seemed to be working well and we quickly signed up a number of partners that were interested in selling Cashier Live," he says. "But those partners weren't as well versed in the software as we were."  Many of them over-promised customers regarding the capabilities of the software, or dragged Greenshaw's staff into the sales process, which confused customers and ate up company time and resources. "I learned a lot from this experience, and we've since been very successful with our own sales efforts," he says today. When he tries selling through channel partners again, he'll make sure to train them thoroughly on the company's software.

Dig Deeper: Sales: When Is it Safe to Hire?

Fixating on big fish. When Scott Gerber first founded Sizzle It!, a New York City-based video production company, he admits that he "used to be obsessed with only going after home-run clients—those that had big names and huge wallets."  But selling to very large companies is time consuming and often frustrating since decision-making is slow and payments even slower. Sizzle It! ultimately landed big clients like Procter & Gamble, but closing sales would sometimes take six months or more. And frequently, Gerber's staff would put months of effort into sales that never materialized. "The pursuit of these titans often put us in cash flow crunches," says Gerber. "My biggest mistake in guiding Sizzle It!'s strategy in its earlier years was not going after more base-hit clients. Now, we have an even split of clients, which has not only helped us to spread the word about our company faster, but also helped us to maintain a healthy cash flow."

Dig Deeper: How to Cold Call a Big Customer

The pranks became more serious when “Tyrone” began accepting PayPal donations from students eager to miss a day of class. In exchange for a little money, he would phone in a bomb threat that would shutter the donor’s school for a day.

“There are four bombs located in each wing of your school, Wing A, Wing B, Wing C and Wing D, throughout various lockers, bathrooms and receptacles throughout the building,” went one such call to Hamden High School in Connecticut, a recording of which was obtained by Threat Level last year.

“There’s 12 on each floor of the building. I will not tell you where they are located, but I will tell you they are very deadly, very explosive, and very big. They will explode at exactly 11 am when testing is done. I will destroy the entire campus, the entire school, and kill every student within as soon as testing is over. I hope you have a good morning and good night. All will be cleansed.”

Lundeby’s attorney did not return a phone call on the case.

Police began closing in on Tyrone after they traced a February 15, 2009 bomb threat against Purdue University to Lundeby’s Oxford, North Carolina home. The next month, they served his mother with a search warrant and arrested then 16-year-old Lundeby. He was later charged as an adult in U.S. District Court in South Bend, Indiana — an unusual move against a juvenile in federal court — and has been held without bail.

Under the terms of the plea deal, prosecutors will drop two related charges in the indictment, and recommend a reduced sentence in exchange for Lundeby’s cooperation against other participants in the calls.

See Also:

  • Teen Ashton Lundeby Charged as an Adult for Bomb Threats

  • Mom Loses Bid for Purdue Bomb Hoax Suspect’s Freedom

  • Teenage Bomb Threat Suspect Was Internet Prank-Call Star

  • Bloggers, TV, Go Nuts Over Misleading ‘Patriot Act’ Arrest Claim

benchcraft company scam

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

Thinking Anglicans: Ordinariate <b>news</b>

Ordinariate news. According to the Catholic Herald Bishop of Fulham to take up Ordinariate. The Anglican bishop of Fulham and the chairman of Forward in Faith International has announced he will resign before the end of the year to join ...

Fox <b>News</b> Remains Far Ahead Of Cable <b>News</b> Competition During Pre <b>...</b>

Fox News Channel finished #4 in prime time on all of cable (total viewers) last week - the week before their ratings are likely to increase even further thanks to the miner rescue coverage. Here's a look at the rest of cable news:

benchcraft company scam

Everyone makes mistakes, but missteps in the selling process can have especially serious consequences. Not only do they deprive your business of revenue, but they can erode confidence in your company among members of your staff as well as potential customers. The following mistakes are particularly common among start-ups, but even the most seasoned entrepreneurs can fall victim to them. Here's how to identify them—and avoid them.

Neglecting to collect customer data. Every time you make a sale, it's an opportunity to make another sale down the road. Remember that your existing customers are your best source of revenue. But you can only tap them if you have a method for keeping track of them. Sonny Ahuja, the CEO of, learned that the hard way. "Five years ago I had seven stores selling designer perfumes and colognes in all major malls of Wisconsin," he says. When he began losing customers to Amazon and eBay, Ahuja decided to close his stores and move his business online. But when he launched, he had no money for online marketing.  "That's when I realized that if only all my sales people had collected all the names and addresses of customers that came to my stores for the past eight years — imagine the power of that database! I could have been back in business in no time." Now, he's diligent about collecting and segmenting customer data on

Dig Deeper: 10 Ways to Get More Sales From Existing Customers

Relying too heavily on the Internet. So you've been exceptionally clever with your web strategy and your organic vegan dog food is at the tippity-top of the relevant search engine rankings. The stuff is practically selling itself. Good for you! Until, that is, Google gives you a nasty smack down. That's what happened to Christian Arno, founder Lingo24, an international translation company with offices in London; Aberdeen, Scotland; and New York City. "In 2006, our high Google rankings for key search terms suffered, probably because of Google changing its search algorithm," says Arno. "We suddenly dropped on Google search results for terms we'd always ranked highly for such as translation services and translation agencies. We didn't have any proactive sales strategy in place, so our revenue suffered." Since then, he's hired several outbound sales people who proactively identify potential clients. "And our Google rankings are back up too now, so we have two strong avenues for sales," says Arno.

Dig Deeper: How Google Cost Me $4 Million

Failing to qualify leads. "When I first started in sales, I was an eager beaver," recalls Jon Biedermann,
vice president of
 DonorPerfect, a CRM fundraising software company in Horsham, Pennsylvania. "No lead went untouched or uncalled — I treated every opportunity as the sure fire next sale." Big mistake. Early in his career, Biedermann got a lead from a large university. He called to assess their needs, customized the software for them, and worked on personalizing the demonstration for days. "The day of the demo came, and I presented our software in front of 10 people from the university. We had everything they needed — it was perfect," he says. But when he asked about the decision-making timeframe, he was crushed.  "Oh, we aren't going to switch software," they told him. "We were thinking about using this for our smaller satellite campus and we were hoping you would donate it to us."
Biedermann realized his error instantly. "In my zeal to get the sale, I completely forgot to ask the one crucial question: Do you have the authority and money to make this decision?"  

Dig Deeper: How to Qualify Sales Leads

Delaying sales until your product or service is ready for primetime. There's a lot to be said for doing market research for a new product or service by trying to sell it while it's still in development. That way, you'll find out exactly what customers want before you spend time perfecting your offering in a vacuum. "Entrepreneurs should hit the streets, and talk to 'friendlies' to sell your product or service even when its still just an idea, and ask people what they are willing to pay for it," says Kyle Hawke, co-founder of Whinot, a Charlottesville, Virginia-based virtual firm of independent consultants who work on small business marketing projects. Hawke learned that lesson after spending $5,000 on web features that he says "no one cared about." He now knows that he should have tested Whinot out on low-risk clients who were willing to sign on for a discounted price – or a free trial – while he and his partners worked out the kinks. "The best way to figure out how much something is worth is to get someone to pay for it," he says.

Dig Deeper: How to Build a Bootstrapping Culture

Accepting every sale. "No" is not a popular word among entrepreneurs, especially during the start-up phase, and most especially as it pertains to sales. But maybe it should be uttered more often, because the wrong kind of sale is ultimately worse than no sale at all. "It's a big challenge as a small company to say 'No, thanks, this isn't a good fit for us, please give your money to someone else,'" says Michael Buckingham, founder of Holy Cow Creative, a Midland, Michigan, design and marketing company that works with churches and ministries. "In the beginning I said yes to everyone; financially, it felt like I had to," he says. "Next thing I knew I was involved in a project that was not good for me or the client. We pushed through it, we met our objectives but our work is about more than projects and invoices. I learned that relationships are key to sales. It's why I now turn down nearly every RFP; it's void of relationship."

Dig Deeper: Getting to No

Offloading the sales function. When Tom Greenshaw first started Cashier Live in Chicago, he wanted to focus mainly on product development and support for the web-based point of sales software that he sells to independent retailers. So he built a sales channel with affiliates and partners, hoping to offload as much of the direct sales function as possible. "This seemed to be working well and we quickly signed up a number of partners that were interested in selling Cashier Live," he says. "But those partners weren't as well versed in the software as we were."  Many of them over-promised customers regarding the capabilities of the software, or dragged Greenshaw's staff into the sales process, which confused customers and ate up company time and resources. "I learned a lot from this experience, and we've since been very successful with our own sales efforts," he says today. When he tries selling through channel partners again, he'll make sure to train them thoroughly on the company's software.

Dig Deeper: Sales: When Is it Safe to Hire?

Fixating on big fish. When Scott Gerber first founded Sizzle It!, a New York City-based video production company, he admits that he "used to be obsessed with only going after home-run clients—those that had big names and huge wallets."  But selling to very large companies is time consuming and often frustrating since decision-making is slow and payments even slower. Sizzle It! ultimately landed big clients like Procter & Gamble, but closing sales would sometimes take six months or more. And frequently, Gerber's staff would put months of effort into sales that never materialized. "The pursuit of these titans often put us in cash flow crunches," says Gerber. "My biggest mistake in guiding Sizzle It!'s strategy in its earlier years was not going after more base-hit clients. Now, we have an even split of clients, which has not only helped us to spread the word about our company faster, but also helped us to maintain a healthy cash flow."

Dig Deeper: How to Cold Call a Big Customer

The pranks became more serious when “Tyrone” began accepting PayPal donations from students eager to miss a day of class. In exchange for a little money, he would phone in a bomb threat that would shutter the donor’s school for a day.

“There are four bombs located in each wing of your school, Wing A, Wing B, Wing C and Wing D, throughout various lockers, bathrooms and receptacles throughout the building,” went one such call to Hamden High School in Connecticut, a recording of which was obtained by Threat Level last year.

“There’s 12 on each floor of the building. I will not tell you where they are located, but I will tell you they are very deadly, very explosive, and very big. They will explode at exactly 11 am when testing is done. I will destroy the entire campus, the entire school, and kill every student within as soon as testing is over. I hope you have a good morning and good night. All will be cleansed.”

Lundeby’s attorney did not return a phone call on the case.

Police began closing in on Tyrone after they traced a February 15, 2009 bomb threat against Purdue University to Lundeby’s Oxford, North Carolina home. The next month, they served his mother with a search warrant and arrested then 16-year-old Lundeby. He was later charged as an adult in U.S. District Court in South Bend, Indiana — an unusual move against a juvenile in federal court — and has been held without bail.

Under the terms of the plea deal, prosecutors will drop two related charges in the indictment, and recommend a reduced sentence in exchange for Lundeby’s cooperation against other participants in the calls.

See Also:

  • Teen Ashton Lundeby Charged as an Adult for Bomb Threats

  • Mom Loses Bid for Purdue Bomb Hoax Suspect’s Freedom

  • Teenage Bomb Threat Suspect Was Internet Prank-Call Star

  • Bloggers, TV, Go Nuts Over Misleading ‘Patriot Act’ Arrest Claim

benchcraft company scam

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

Thinking Anglicans: Ordinariate <b>news</b>

Ordinariate news. According to the Catholic Herald Bishop of Fulham to take up Ordinariate. The Anglican bishop of Fulham and the chairman of Forward in Faith International has announced he will resign before the end of the year to join ...

Fox <b>News</b> Remains Far Ahead Of Cable <b>News</b> Competition During Pre <b>...</b>

Fox News Channel finished #4 in prime time on all of cable (total viewers) last week - the week before their ratings are likely to increase even further thanks to the miner rescue coverage. Here's a look at the rest of cable news:

bench craft company reviews

benchcraft company portland or

Auction Traffic Explosion by myebooksresell

bench craft company reviews

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

Thinking Anglicans: Ordinariate <b>news</b>

Ordinariate news. According to the Catholic Herald Bishop of Fulham to take up Ordinariate. The Anglican bishop of Fulham and the chairman of Forward in Faith International has announced he will resign before the end of the year to join ...

Fox <b>News</b> Remains Far Ahead Of Cable <b>News</b> Competition During Pre <b>...</b>

Fox News Channel finished #4 in prime time on all of cable (total viewers) last week - the week before their ratings are likely to increase even further thanks to the miner rescue coverage. Here's a look at the rest of cable news:

benchcraft company portland or

Everyone makes mistakes, but missteps in the selling process can have especially serious consequences. Not only do they deprive your business of revenue, but they can erode confidence in your company among members of your staff as well as potential customers. The following mistakes are particularly common among start-ups, but even the most seasoned entrepreneurs can fall victim to them. Here's how to identify them—and avoid them.

Neglecting to collect customer data. Every time you make a sale, it's an opportunity to make another sale down the road. Remember that your existing customers are your best source of revenue. But you can only tap them if you have a method for keeping track of them. Sonny Ahuja, the CEO of, learned that the hard way. "Five years ago I had seven stores selling designer perfumes and colognes in all major malls of Wisconsin," he says. When he began losing customers to Amazon and eBay, Ahuja decided to close his stores and move his business online. But when he launched, he had no money for online marketing.  "That's when I realized that if only all my sales people had collected all the names and addresses of customers that came to my stores for the past eight years — imagine the power of that database! I could have been back in business in no time." Now, he's diligent about collecting and segmenting customer data on

Dig Deeper: 10 Ways to Get More Sales From Existing Customers

Relying too heavily on the Internet. So you've been exceptionally clever with your web strategy and your organic vegan dog food is at the tippity-top of the relevant search engine rankings. The stuff is practically selling itself. Good for you! Until, that is, Google gives you a nasty smack down. That's what happened to Christian Arno, founder Lingo24, an international translation company with offices in London; Aberdeen, Scotland; and New York City. "In 2006, our high Google rankings for key search terms suffered, probably because of Google changing its search algorithm," says Arno. "We suddenly dropped on Google search results for terms we'd always ranked highly for such as translation services and translation agencies. We didn't have any proactive sales strategy in place, so our revenue suffered." Since then, he's hired several outbound sales people who proactively identify potential clients. "And our Google rankings are back up too now, so we have two strong avenues for sales," says Arno.

Dig Deeper: How Google Cost Me $4 Million

Failing to qualify leads. "When I first started in sales, I was an eager beaver," recalls Jon Biedermann,
vice president of
 DonorPerfect, a CRM fundraising software company in Horsham, Pennsylvania. "No lead went untouched or uncalled — I treated every opportunity as the sure fire next sale." Big mistake. Early in his career, Biedermann got a lead from a large university. He called to assess their needs, customized the software for them, and worked on personalizing the demonstration for days. "The day of the demo came, and I presented our software in front of 10 people from the university. We had everything they needed — it was perfect," he says. But when he asked about the decision-making timeframe, he was crushed.  "Oh, we aren't going to switch software," they told him. "We were thinking about using this for our smaller satellite campus and we were hoping you would donate it to us."
Biedermann realized his error instantly. "In my zeal to get the sale, I completely forgot to ask the one crucial question: Do you have the authority and money to make this decision?"  

Dig Deeper: How to Qualify Sales Leads

Delaying sales until your product or service is ready for primetime. There's a lot to be said for doing market research for a new product or service by trying to sell it while it's still in development. That way, you'll find out exactly what customers want before you spend time perfecting your offering in a vacuum. "Entrepreneurs should hit the streets, and talk to 'friendlies' to sell your product or service even when its still just an idea, and ask people what they are willing to pay for it," says Kyle Hawke, co-founder of Whinot, a Charlottesville, Virginia-based virtual firm of independent consultants who work on small business marketing projects. Hawke learned that lesson after spending $5,000 on web features that he says "no one cared about." He now knows that he should have tested Whinot out on low-risk clients who were willing to sign on for a discounted price – or a free trial – while he and his partners worked out the kinks. "The best way to figure out how much something is worth is to get someone to pay for it," he says.

Dig Deeper: How to Build a Bootstrapping Culture

Accepting every sale. "No" is not a popular word among entrepreneurs, especially during the start-up phase, and most especially as it pertains to sales. But maybe it should be uttered more often, because the wrong kind of sale is ultimately worse than no sale at all. "It's a big challenge as a small company to say 'No, thanks, this isn't a good fit for us, please give your money to someone else,'" says Michael Buckingham, founder of Holy Cow Creative, a Midland, Michigan, design and marketing company that works with churches and ministries. "In the beginning I said yes to everyone; financially, it felt like I had to," he says. "Next thing I knew I was involved in a project that was not good for me or the client. We pushed through it, we met our objectives but our work is about more than projects and invoices. I learned that relationships are key to sales. It's why I now turn down nearly every RFP; it's void of relationship."

Dig Deeper: Getting to No

Offloading the sales function. When Tom Greenshaw first started Cashier Live in Chicago, he wanted to focus mainly on product development and support for the web-based point of sales software that he sells to independent retailers. So he built a sales channel with affiliates and partners, hoping to offload as much of the direct sales function as possible. "This seemed to be working well and we quickly signed up a number of partners that were interested in selling Cashier Live," he says. "But those partners weren't as well versed in the software as we were."  Many of them over-promised customers regarding the capabilities of the software, or dragged Greenshaw's staff into the sales process, which confused customers and ate up company time and resources. "I learned a lot from this experience, and we've since been very successful with our own sales efforts," he says today. When he tries selling through channel partners again, he'll make sure to train them thoroughly on the company's software.

Dig Deeper: Sales: When Is it Safe to Hire?

Fixating on big fish. When Scott Gerber first founded Sizzle It!, a New York City-based video production company, he admits that he "used to be obsessed with only going after home-run clients—those that had big names and huge wallets."  But selling to very large companies is time consuming and often frustrating since decision-making is slow and payments even slower. Sizzle It! ultimately landed big clients like Procter & Gamble, but closing sales would sometimes take six months or more. And frequently, Gerber's staff would put months of effort into sales that never materialized. "The pursuit of these titans often put us in cash flow crunches," says Gerber. "My biggest mistake in guiding Sizzle It!'s strategy in its earlier years was not going after more base-hit clients. Now, we have an even split of clients, which has not only helped us to spread the word about our company faster, but also helped us to maintain a healthy cash flow."

Dig Deeper: How to Cold Call a Big Customer

The pranks became more serious when “Tyrone” began accepting PayPal donations from students eager to miss a day of class. In exchange for a little money, he would phone in a bomb threat that would shutter the donor’s school for a day.

“There are four bombs located in each wing of your school, Wing A, Wing B, Wing C and Wing D, throughout various lockers, bathrooms and receptacles throughout the building,” went one such call to Hamden High School in Connecticut, a recording of which was obtained by Threat Level last year.

“There’s 12 on each floor of the building. I will not tell you where they are located, but I will tell you they are very deadly, very explosive, and very big. They will explode at exactly 11 am when testing is done. I will destroy the entire campus, the entire school, and kill every student within as soon as testing is over. I hope you have a good morning and good night. All will be cleansed.”

Lundeby’s attorney did not return a phone call on the case.

Police began closing in on Tyrone after they traced a February 15, 2009 bomb threat against Purdue University to Lundeby’s Oxford, North Carolina home. The next month, they served his mother with a search warrant and arrested then 16-year-old Lundeby. He was later charged as an adult in U.S. District Court in South Bend, Indiana — an unusual move against a juvenile in federal court — and has been held without bail.

Under the terms of the plea deal, prosecutors will drop two related charges in the indictment, and recommend a reduced sentence in exchange for Lundeby’s cooperation against other participants in the calls.

See Also:

  • Teen Ashton Lundeby Charged as an Adult for Bomb Threats

  • Mom Loses Bid for Purdue Bomb Hoax Suspect’s Freedom

  • Teenage Bomb Threat Suspect Was Internet Prank-Call Star

  • Bloggers, TV, Go Nuts Over Misleading ‘Patriot Act’ Arrest Claim

benchcraft company portland or

Auction Traffic Explosion by myebooksresell

bench craft company reviews

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

Thinking Anglicans: Ordinariate <b>news</b>

Ordinariate news. According to the Catholic Herald Bishop of Fulham to take up Ordinariate. The Anglican bishop of Fulham and the chairman of Forward in Faith International has announced he will resign before the end of the year to join ...

Fox <b>News</b> Remains Far Ahead Of Cable <b>News</b> Competition During Pre <b>...</b>

Fox News Channel finished #4 in prime time on all of cable (total viewers) last week - the week before their ratings are likely to increase even further thanks to the miner rescue coverage. Here's a look at the rest of cable news:

bench craft company reviews

Auction Traffic Explosion by myebooksresell

benchcraft company portland or

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

Thinking Anglicans: Ordinariate <b>news</b>

Ordinariate news. According to the Catholic Herald Bishop of Fulham to take up Ordinariate. The Anglican bishop of Fulham and the chairman of Forward in Faith International has announced he will resign before the end of the year to join ...

Fox <b>News</b> Remains Far Ahead Of Cable <b>News</b> Competition During Pre <b>...</b>

Fox News Channel finished #4 in prime time on all of cable (total viewers) last week - the week before their ratings are likely to increase even further thanks to the miner rescue coverage. Here's a look at the rest of cable news:

benchcraft company portland or

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

Thinking Anglicans: Ordinariate <b>news</b>

Ordinariate news. According to the Catholic Herald Bishop of Fulham to take up Ordinariate. The Anglican bishop of Fulham and the chairman of Forward in Faith International has announced he will resign before the end of the year to join ...

Fox <b>News</b> Remains Far Ahead Of Cable <b>News</b> Competition During Pre <b>...</b>

Fox News Channel finished #4 in prime time on all of cable (total viewers) last week - the week before their ratings are likely to increase even further thanks to the miner rescue coverage. Here's a look at the rest of cable news:

benchcraft company portland or

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

Thinking Anglicans: Ordinariate <b>news</b>

Ordinariate news. According to the Catholic Herald Bishop of Fulham to take up Ordinariate. The Anglican bishop of Fulham and the chairman of Forward in Faith International has announced he will resign before the end of the year to join ...

Fox <b>News</b> Remains Far Ahead Of Cable <b>News</b> Competition During Pre <b>...</b>

Fox News Channel finished #4 in prime time on all of cable (total viewers) last week - the week before their ratings are likely to increase even further thanks to the miner rescue coverage. Here's a look at the rest of cable news:

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Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

Thinking Anglicans: Ordinariate <b>news</b>

Ordinariate news. According to the Catholic Herald Bishop of Fulham to take up Ordinariate. The Anglican bishop of Fulham and the chairman of Forward in Faith International has announced he will resign before the end of the year to join ...

Fox <b>News</b> Remains Far Ahead Of Cable <b>News</b> Competition During Pre <b>...</b>

Fox News Channel finished #4 in prime time on all of cable (total viewers) last week - the week before their ratings are likely to increase even further thanks to the miner rescue coverage. Here's a look at the rest of cable news:

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Selling software products is big business. It is one of the quickest and easiest ways to make a fortune on the Internet. It is a low cost, high profit internet business. If you are seriously ready to start making money online, then read on.

Software products are hot, and the sales are skyrocketing. There are thousands upon thousands of people who rake in huge sums of money from selling software products. You can operate this business from anywhere in the world. You simply need a computer and Internet connection. You'll never have to invest in expensive office space.

Multi-millions of dollars worth of software products are sold every single day throughout the world. The software marketing business is a multi-billion dollar industry and I'm sure that you can profit from it.

The Internet now makes it possible come up with software products, distribute it over the Internet, and make big profits - almost immediately.

Unlike many products, software products can be downloaeded instantly. They are accessed by the customer directly from the Internet, so no shipping charges are involved. No need to make your customer wait days waiting for a package to arrive.

Just think about it. Your product is delivered instantly to the customer once payment has been verified.

Forget filling your garage with boxes of products to fill orders. Your product is digital and requires no space in your garage. This means that your product is delivered electronically. Customers download the product themselves without any involvement on your part. They will download the product to their computers. You do not have to worry about running out of stock. Since the product is an electronic file, you do not need to make extra copies. You just put only one copy of the software product in your website. People can download these products as often as they wish.

You can instantly start your very own software business, without having to write a single word of programming. You can get started making money in this business by purchasing resale rights to successful products.

When you purchase resale rights to someone else's product, you have full control of the product. You sell the product and keep all of the money that you make. It's like having your own products handed to you without doing doing the hard work.

Most software products with resale rights have a ready-made sales page. You simply add your personal details, upload them to your web host and start promoting. So you don't have to worry about creating sales pages or producing a product. You can start making money right away.

There are thousands of software products available across the Net. You can check out the many excellent startup programs available. In fact, you can begin today and start raking in sales right away.

Once you have your product set up on your website, you need to advertise. You need to let people know about your product. If no one knows about your product, you're not going to make money.

There are several ways to promote your product. Start by submitting your website to the search engines. You can also bid on pay per click ads, place ads in ezines, and write articles to promote your product. Get the information out there in as many ways as you can.

Selling software products can make you a fortune. There is nothing difficult or complicated about this business. Anyone can do this regardless of background, or education. It doesn't matter whether you're a programmer or not. You don't have to create your own software to make money in this business. You can go to to learn more about how to make money in this lucrative business.

When you see how simple and easy it is to start making money selling software products on the Internet, you will kick yourself for not starting your own software business sooner.

big seminar 14

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

Thinking Anglicans: Ordinariate <b>news</b>

Ordinariate news. According to the Catholic Herald Bishop of Fulham to take up Ordinariate. The Anglican bishop of Fulham and the chairman of Forward in Faith International has announced he will resign before the end of the year to join ...

Fox <b>News</b> Remains Far Ahead Of Cable <b>News</b> Competition During Pre <b>...</b>

Fox News Channel finished #4 in prime time on all of cable (total viewers) last week - the week before their ratings are likely to increase even further thanks to the miner rescue coverage. Here's a look at the rest of cable news:

big seminar 14

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim” « Oliver Willis

19 Responses to “Fox News' Brian Kilmeade: “All Terrorists Are Muslim””. Jay says: October 15, 2010 at 9:13 am. Of course, anybody with a rational mind could understand that Kilmeade was specifically talking about 9/11 and was saying ...

Thinking Anglicans: Ordinariate <b>news</b>

Ordinariate news. According to the Catholic Herald Bishop of Fulham to take up Ordinariate. The Anglican bishop of Fulham and the chairman of Forward in Faith International has announced he will resign before the end of the year to join ...

Fox <b>News</b> Remains Far Ahead Of Cable <b>News</b> Competition During Pre <b>...</b>

Fox News Channel finished #4 in prime time on all of cable (total viewers) last week - the week before their ratings are likely to increase even further thanks to the miner rescue coverage. Here's a look at the rest of cable news:

big seminar 14

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